Patch Update: 4/12/24

New Projects

Winterson Release! What Next?

After the successful release of Winterson on April 8th, I thought it a good time to take a step back and reevaluate everything going on in terms of projects, along check out how my goals this year are going thus far. I’m very happy with Winterson and everything that went into it, as learning the self-publishing industry was (and still is) very challenging. But I don’t think its good to linger on victories for too long, so let’s go ahead and take a look at the progress for the goals I’ve created for this year.

Word Count

As of writing this newsletter, my current word count this year toward personal projects sits at 78,774 words. While it certainly could be a little higher, the overall writing goal for this year is 300,000 words, and so we’re right on track with where we should be over the first three months. The majority of writing has gone straight into my current WIP Inkforgers: The Holy Seal, which takes place on a separate world that the Seven Series does. I’ll be releasing more information on that story in particular soon, and I’m incredibly excited with what I’m working on for that.

Book Release Plans

This kind of connects to the word count section in a small way, but I’ve actually completed a few other books for both the Seven Series and other worlds. The third book in the Seven Series needs some more revisions and a little more time of personal work before I pass it off to my editor. I think the story progression is strong, but there are definitely things I need to work on in order for it to feel a little less clunky.

I’m hoping to release Seven Series three sometime late this year, but most likely it will need to wait until 2025 to really make it through all the stages of work it needs to. However, there’s a little more nuance regarding book release plans regarding things I haven’t quite settled on. Those details will be addressed in the next patch update coming sometime within the next couple months.

Social Media

This was the category I was most worried about when I was thinking about how this patch update would go, but I’m happy to say that things with social media have been going somewhat consistently well. My posting has been much more frequent and I’m looking to up posts from a couple times a week to once per day.

Newsletters and More

Things have been going well here on Beehiiv! The plan to stick to one post every two weeks has been maintained thus far! However, I’ve also opened up an account over on Medium, where I’ll be able to explore and write about different topics that might not be as relevant for my personal newsletter. I’ll still be crossing over some of the posts, for example the A Writers Nightmare: Actually Writing newsletter post from a couple weeks ago. However, things like patch updates will remain exclusive to the newsletter as the majority of my insider information will stay here.

Conversely, things going on Medium, such as research of historical figures or analysis on certain stories hold more relevance for that site, not my personal newsletter.

That’s everything I have for this weeks newsletter post! I’m excited to share what I’ve been working on regarding my current WIP, and hope you’ll tag along for the journey!

Until the next newsletter, keep dreaming!


Joshua Robello